Diet and Exercise for Gynecomastia

Dr. Rajat Gupta - RG Aesthetics
3 min readMar 24, 2020

Gynecomastia or male boobs is a global problem that affects a considerable percentage of the male population today. Yet it is not well understood, and often the men affected by it are considered lazy and fat.

The problem is, Gynecomastia is completely different from chest fat.

Gynecomastia is a hormonal condition caused by imbalances during adolescence aka puberty. These imbalances cause man’s breasts to develop like a woman’s. And while the hormonal imbalance corrects itself as he nears adulthood, the breast tissue stays.


Can Diet and Exercise solve Gynecomastia?

The short answer: No.

As we have established, Gynecomastia is a condition caused by the development of breast tissue specifically. Diet and exercise affect fat and burn fat. They cannot remove tissue.

This is why you need a male boobs surgery to get rid of Gynecomastia. Surgery is the only way to remove breast tissue effectively and permanently.

How is Gynecomastia Treatment Done?

Gynecomastia Treatment

A lot of cosmetic surgeons do not understand the emotional impact of Gynecomastia. Therefore, they only remove the tissue while leaving a huge scar on the front of the chest. This completely defeats the purpose of the original surgery since it draws attention to the chest anyway.

An experienced and board-certified expert plastic surgeon understands the emotional impact. He conducts the procedure specifically intending to leave no trace of tissue or surgery behind.

This is why he carefully places a tiny incision on the side of the body and removes the tissue through there, instead. This way, the scar remains nearly completely invisible to the naked eye.

He also uses a combination of MicroAire and VASER so that the skin tightens properly over the underlying muscle once the tissue and any excess fat are removed.

This way, the best surgeon is who uses his patient-centric approach to deliver the most natural-looking results from every Gynecomastia treatment in India. There are several factors, which cause a cost hike when it comes to high quality Gynecomastia treatment area wise.

Diet and Exercise after Male Boobs Surgery

While diet and exercise cannot burn away your breast tissue, they are necessary to ensure you maintain your new shape after surgery.

The good news is that the recovery from this procedure is very easy. By using the MicroAire and VASER tools, a very few experienced surgeons know how to reduce physical trauma caused by the procedure. Therefore, you can resume cardio and light exercises after a week while you can resume weight training and other exercises after two weeks.

You must put thorough research to get to the right kind of surgeon for this treatment. It would help to undergo a consultation and make a well-informed decision.



Dr. Rajat Gupta - RG Aesthetics

Dr. Rajat Gupta, Cosmetic & Plastic surgeon in India. Who is the dedicated to providing precise information on various topics.